Letter to October - Day 1

I will be doing this throughout the month. Everyday, I will write a letter to October, maybe about my day, current affairs or just because I have seen something I like!

Dear October,

You came round very quickly! It feels like only last week that I was flying home after my holiday to Italy, but it was actually a month ago today!

I like you October. You bring exciting things, like half term and Halloween, as well as brown leaves and autumnal weather. You bring scarves, gloves, hats. Candles, fires and lanterns. You bring cold weather, which makes me shiver, but comforts me when I am indoors, watching out the window, snuggled up in a blanket, warm and cosy.

But October, you also lead me in a totally opposite direction. You make me think about things that I had put to the back of my mind. You make me realise that I need to do something, because the future is happening. Every second we waste, we will never get back. And that is what this world is. This life. An ongoing clock, ticking our lives away, until, before we know it, we are no longer dreaming about something, we are doing it. So although you may thing things are very far away, they are not.

October, I remember thinking, four or five years ago, that this time was ages away. Applying for colleges was further away that the moon and stars. But now  it is here. I am doing it for real. Pursuing the dreams I have. Moving one step closer to the goal. But is that goal as easy as it looks? No. I cannot just walk up to the goal and kick the ball in, easily and simply. I have to dodge everyone, tackle people and things and run for my life. Because otherwise, there is no point in being on the pitch in the first place, is there?

Stay happy,
Katie x

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