Dear October - Day 3

Dear October,

I have been into a multitude of shops today and they are all stocking Halloween costumes and food. Not only that, October, they have started selling Christmas things. Advent calendars, October! What is going on? 

Halloween draws closer, but we will save that conversation for a bit later in the month, shall we? The point is that we keep wishing our time away. In May, we say how much we are looking forward to summer. Autumn, we look forward to Christmas. My friends are buzzing for the festive season. They have been since the first day of school in September. I keep telling them, "you are wishing time away". They don't seem to mind. Well I do! I mind that my life is being wished away because of things that we may or may not be looking forward to, months before they are even happening. 

Yes, I might be looking forward to Christmas, but I am not saying that I want the day to be here. I want to experience a lot before that. Good and bad. The carol services, cinemas trips with friends, new friendships, love, hate, birthdays, hope, fear. Success and failure.

So before you start wishing time away, think about what is going to happen before that. Because I can assure you, it will come in a blink of an eye and then it will be gone.

Stay happy,
Katie xx

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