Dear October,
I always avoid the rain. If I have to, I stay as dry as possible, for getting wet in the rain doesn't just make my clothes and hair damp, it dampens my spirit.
But it isn't just physically rainy days that dampen my spirit, it's those metaphorical dampening days that are the worst. Those days where you have so many emotions that you want to let loose, but you can't because you are afraid of what those around you might say.
All those feelings that make you want to scream and cry and smile and tear you hair out. Those feelings that you can't let go of, however much you try.
I don't know, October, whether you get these feelings. Sadness for those dear to you, who you lost and miss more than anything in the world. Happiness for those who you want to hug for being so totally amazing. Anger for those who do bad things, yet others get the blame.
Because, October, you make me happy. But you also make me cry. I miss those who are gone. I miss those who are just too far away from me, physically and metaphorically. I miss those days where nothing mattered. You could do anything that you wanted and it would count towards some grade, mark or assessment that we are constantly be measured by.
October, don't go too quickly, because if you do, November will be here and before you know it, it will be October 1st again.
We are in one big circle, and we cannot escape, although some of the time, we want to more than anything
Stay happy,
Katie xx
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