New Years Resolutions

Hi, everybody!
Like every year, I have made some new years resolutions that I will (hopefully) stand by throughout 2016! My motivation usually lasts until about February but we can try! This is the first year I have actually written them down so next December I can read them and see whether I have completed my goals!

Be more organised!

I say this a lot and every now and then, I have a sudden urge to organise things, which is nice at the time, but slowly grows into boredom, which means that the whole organisational thing goes downhill quite rapidly!

Complete my 2016 goal on Goodreads!

My goal for 2016 will be 35 books because I tend to do a lot of rereading, but I need to start reading new books because otherwise I go round and round reading the Hunger Games, Harry Potter and The Divergent series, which isn't a bad thing, but I do need to start culturing myself more!

Keep my enthusiasm for music

This year has been a bumpy ride in terms of my musical enjoyment, but I know that I really do love music and my dream really is to be a music teacher. In order to do that, I need to keep the enthusiasm that I currently have. It has wavered a bit because of stress and disagreements, but music is always there for you and I know that, so I need to keep being its friend because it is good to me!

Have the best summer holiday ever!

This year is GCSEs, which isn't brilliant, but I know that after them, I have an 8-9 week holiday! I have talked to people and they have said that the summer in front of me is the best one that they ever had, and I need to grasp that with both hands. Because I probably won't be able to do NCS, I will probably get a job or some work experience, which should be fun!

Paint my nails more often

I love having freshly painted nails, but I don't do it enough, which annoys me! I also need to explore more colours because I am still not sure whether I suit yellow of now!


This is a must, but I must start to be more motivated than I am at the moment because otherwise I am not going to get where I want to be. The teaching world is competitive, but I want to beat it, which means getting good grades!

Blog more and start videos

Recently, I have discovered more and more blogs that are using videos in their posts. I think this has a really good effect and I would love you do it myself!

Birthday Presents

I seem to have an ongoing problem with buying people Birthday presents. I know it is their birthday, most of the time, but I have an inability to buy them anything good or at all! This year, I am going to be good and I am going to buy those I love birthday presents because it is a nice thing to do and when I forget, I feel so bad because I do love them, I just forget!

What are your resolutions?

Stay happy and Happy New Year!
Katie xx

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