Saturday, 20 February 2016

Nice - Day 3 - Menton, Pizzas and A Challenge

We had to have our bags packed and be downstairs by 9 o'clock on the third day so that we could catch the train to a town called Menton, which is about 25 minutes from Nice. Once we got there, we walked through the town and went to the John Cocteau museum. Although it was in French, the artwork was great and the museum was a brilliantly clean white colour, which made the museum really nice to walk around.

We then went and took some photos by the sea and the polaroids were the cutest things ever!

We were then allowed to go and have lunch. Instead of having a picnic, this time, we went to a local restaurant, where we all ordered pizzas and I ate a whole one by myself. It was so nice to be able to relax and have lunch with my friends. We then had a bit of time to shop, and we found a really good record shop, where there was everything from The Beatles to Meatloaf. There was an incredible selection, but I don't have a record player, so getting one would not be a good use of my money.

Later on, we were set a challenge by the teachers. We had €5 per group to find the tackiest thing in Menton. It had to relate to the place we were or something on our trip, so it was harder than you might think. In the end, we went with a solar powered surfer, that, when in the sun, moved around, which was entertaining. We also bought a really tacky postcard with two fish kissing on, as it was Valentine's Day. We came second, beaten by someone who had bought an old Ferrari badge that had tea stains on, which was sad, but it was good fun altogether.

We then got the train back and had a nice rest at the hotel in the evening. There was an optional walk, but because of the walking we were going to do the next day, I decided not to go, as my feet already hurt a lot from the walking we had already done!

Stay happy,
Katie xx

P.s. Do you like travel diary type things?

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