Accept Me Please

I am that person who says what I think. I am blunt and sarcastic. I don't take a lot of care with some things and way too much care with other things. I am a hormonal mess, bitchy and sometimes extremely rude.

I think I am clingy and tell people this. Although they deny it, I still believe it. I like having people around me and if I feel uncomfortable, I'll try as hard as possible to avoid the situation. I am emotional, tears streaming and face happy, sometimes at the same time. 

I am a liar but also I tell the truth a lot. I sometimes smell weird and having weird habits. I am frightened of some things that you should be frightened of and I have many banes in my life.

However, I am this person and cannot change easily. So accept me because I'm a fragile, sarcastic, blunt, emotional, weird, sad, happy, bitchy and rude person. But hey, why not be that person. It makes me unique!

Stay happy,
Katie xx

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