YouTubers' Earnings | An Opinion

I had had a lot of people telling me that they liked my previous post, expressing my opinion on Kim Kardashian's naked photo. I thought I would do another one and start a series of these 'An Opinion' posts, where and when I want to express my feelings for something that has been happening lately.

When I scroll down Facebook, there are my friends and then there are the people who I follow, like 'Look' magazine and '', so I can catch up on the latest gossip about celebrities and YouTube. However, after reading an article, my suggested reads came up with a news article that disgusted me.

It was about how much the well-known YouTuber Zoella earns. The title was as follows below.

Is it really necessary that we should be intruding into how much money Zoe Sugg is actually making? She entertains over 10 million of us, as well as having two books and her own beauty range. The use of the word sickening is completely unnecessary. Who cares how much she earns because people enjoy her content and without ambassadors like her, the YouTube culture would not be as big as it is and there are many people who would be without an idol because if you look on any social media, you will see a hoard of people who are fan accounts for YouTubers. I was one, for a very long time, on both Instagram and Twitter and, although they are now gone, I still watch a large amount of YouTube and I do not care how much they earn because they entertain me.

Would someone question Jennifer Lawrence or Adele over how much they earn? What is the difference? They have jobs, they have released things and are successful. So why is Zoe Sugg's earnings 'sickening' and Ellen Degeneres's not?

Also, another article I saw was about the recent security issues that Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes have been having. Although I support the website this was on, I did not agree with what was written on it. It was titled 'So what have Zalfie learned from their recent security scandal?'. It was about what they have and haven't done about it and some of the things that they suggested and then questioned why the couple hadn't done, made me wonder.


For example, the first thing that they didn't do was move house. They said in the article that "it seemed like a logical decision". Really? Why should they have to move house? You and I wouldn't move house if people decided to start ringing on your doorbell and they were fans. You would wonder why they had the address and maybe got someone to sort it out, but why should they have to move house? It isn't their fault.


Obviously, there was always going to be speculation over her life, as she is constantly in the people's eye, but does it really need this much? What can someone do for a bit of privacy?

What are your thoughts?

Stay happy,
Katie xx

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