Dear May...

Dear May,

Please be kind to me, during this hard time. I don't cope too well with stress and you seem to be the heart of it at the moment. Although I have support from some amazing people, but sometimes, I need the world to be kind. The phrase 'you're only human' has been floating around a lot recently, but sometimes, people don't remember that and they put a lot of stress onto us and we cannot achieve it at the best we can because of the pressure.

I hope you can get rid of this annoying illness I have got as well. I am sat on the sofa, feeling sorry for myself and that isn't great because I have so much to do!

Also, I hope that I can still be in the company of my friends and loved ones and have fun, even though I need to study hard to get these exams over with so I can move on and do greater things.

So although it is a short letter, May, please be helpful, kind and not too harsh on little old me.

Stay happy,
Katie xx

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