Dear May,
Please be kind to me, during this hard time. I don't cope too well with stress and you seem to be the heart of it at the moment. Although I have support from some amazing people, but sometimes, I need the world to be kind. The phrase 'you're only human' has been floating around a lot recently, but sometimes, people don't remember that and they put a lot of stress onto us and we cannot achieve it at the best we can because of the pressure.
I hope you can get rid of this annoying illness I have got as well. I am sat on the sofa, feeling sorry for myself and that isn't great because I have so much to do!
Also, I hope that I can still be in the company of my friends and loved ones and have fun, even though I need to study hard to get these exams over with so I can move on and do greater things.
So although it is a short letter, May, please be helpful, kind and not too harsh on little old me.
Stay happy,
Katie xx
My Top You Tubers | April 2016
This past couple of months, YouTube has been a place that I can go and relax and watch my favourite people doing some amazing things. Here are some of my favourites!
1. Gabriella Lindley
Gabby has been a firm favourite of mine for over a year and she is just absolutely incredible. She has been through so much and the way she has dealt with it has been incredible. She is funny, sassy, beautiful and a joy to watch and I highly recommend her!
Favourite Video?
I love her Weight Loss video, it made me cry because she is so courageous.
But otherwise, her Saying Goodbye video or her Best Friend Tag!
2. Eve Bennett
Eve is my age and going through GCSEs as I am. Her videos are so good and she puts so much effort into them, even though she has to do work as well. She is so genuine and I just love watching her! I used to follow her on Instagram as a fan account but now she is on my Twitter notifications and I just love her because she is so relatable!Favourite Video?
I really liked her 100k video because I am so proud of her!
3. Emily Canham
I started watching Emily properly a few months ago, even though I had been subscribed for a while. I love her videos and her vlogs! She puts so much effort into them and also, I love watching her makeup tutorials!
Favourite Video?
Her £250 shopping challenge, for sure!
4. Jake Boys
Emily and Jake are a couple and both of them are so cute! Jake's vlogs and videos are so funny and always make me laugh so much! I love watching what he is doing in his vlogs, it is always something new!
Favourite Video?
Surprising Emily with Makeup, it is so cute!
5. Carrie Hope Fletcher
I have watched Carrie for a very long time and recently, I have been loving her videos again (not that I didn't before!) I just love seeing what she is doing and what her day to day life is like, especially since she has been doing rehearsals for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!
Favourite Video?
I liked her video with DoddleOddle, which she did as a Q and A! Also, her recent cover of La La La by Sam Smith
6. DoddleOddle
DoddleOddle was shown to me about 2 years ago by a friend and I stuck with her ever since. I love her singing and her videos in general because they make me so happy!
Favourite Video?
Probably her Pop Party 15 mashup with her sister Hedy!
I am so sorry for not posting lately, I have been so caught up in things at school and with revision. I am going to try and write a few to schedule so that you don't miss out on them.
Stay happy,
Katie xx
My 5 Favourite Actresses
Recently, I have been loving watching films and I have decided that I finally have a list of my favourite actresses. I hope you will agree that these actresses are legends and should be known and loved by everyone.
1. Dame Maggie Smith
What an amazing actress. She has done everything from Downton Abbey to Harry Potter. She did a lot of Harry Potter whilst being treated for cancer and that gains my respect because she is just so incredible. Cannot say enough about her, she is amazing! When she played Jean in Quartet, which is a film that I adore and cry at every single time I listen to it! Also, when she took on the role of the 'Lady in the Van', she absolutely smashed it. I love this woman and she will forever be an inspiration to me.
3. Cameron Diaz
I love Cameron Diaz, especially in The Holiday! Did you know that she played Fiona in Shrek? I do now! But she has done so much for the world of feminism and a lot of other things as well, and she is just one of those people who you love for just being her!
4. Shay Mitchell
Shay plays Emily in pretty little liars and recently starred in the new film Mother's Day. She is so cool and I just like her as a person really. Her snapchat is so good and I watch it in awe at what she gets up to every day, which is sometimes just home days and sometimes on set, getting a sneak peek around the dressing rooms and what the cast get up to.
5. Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep is another one of those people who you look up to because she has done so much and she is so successful and she always plays such amazing characters. For example, when she played Jane in 'It's Complicated' and Donna in 'Mamma Mia. She always gets such good parts and she plays them so well!
I hope you enjoyed this!
Who are your favourite actresses right now?
Stay happy,
Katie xx
1. Dame Maggie Smith
What an amazing actress. She has done everything from Downton Abbey to Harry Potter. She did a lot of Harry Potter whilst being treated for cancer and that gains my respect because she is just so incredible. Cannot say enough about her, she is amazing! When she played Jean in Quartet, which is a film that I adore and cry at every single time I listen to it! Also, when she took on the role of the 'Lady in the Van', she absolutely smashed it. I love this woman and she will forever be an inspiration to me.
2. Kate Winslet
I love the film 'The Holiday' and Kate plays a quarter in the 4 main roles in the film as Iris, a girl who has been through a tough breakup and wants to go away, so swaps houses with an unknown American woman, who is played by Cameron Diaz and her character is Amanda. Then they both get together with people in the other country (very confusing) and it is such a feel good film meant for Christmas, but I watch it all year round! This brings me on to....3. Cameron Diaz
I love Cameron Diaz, especially in The Holiday! Did you know that she played Fiona in Shrek? I do now! But she has done so much for the world of feminism and a lot of other things as well, and she is just one of those people who you love for just being her!
4. Shay Mitchell
Shay plays Emily in pretty little liars and recently starred in the new film Mother's Day. She is so cool and I just like her as a person really. Her snapchat is so good and I watch it in awe at what she gets up to every day, which is sometimes just home days and sometimes on set, getting a sneak peek around the dressing rooms and what the cast get up to.
5. Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep is another one of those people who you look up to because she has done so much and she is so successful and she always plays such amazing characters. For example, when she played Jane in 'It's Complicated' and Donna in 'Mamma Mia. She always gets such good parts and she plays them so well!
I hope you enjoyed this!
Who are your favourite actresses right now?
Stay happy,
Katie xx
YouTubers' Earnings | An Opinion
I had had a lot of people telling me that they liked my previous post, expressing my opinion on Kim Kardashian's naked photo. I thought I would do another one and start a series of these 'An Opinion' posts, where and when I want to express my feelings for something that has been happening lately.
When I scroll down Facebook, there are my friends and then there are the people who I follow, like 'Look' magazine and '', so I can catch up on the latest gossip about celebrities and YouTube. However, after reading an article, my suggested reads came up with a news article that disgusted me.
It was about how much the well-known YouTuber Zoella earns. The title was as follows below.
Is it really necessary that we should be intruding into how much money Zoe Sugg is actually making? She entertains over 10 million of us, as well as having two books and her own beauty range. The use of the word sickening is completely unnecessary. Who cares how much she earns because people enjoy her content and without ambassadors like her, the YouTube culture would not be as big as it is and there are many people who would be without an idol because if you look on any social media, you will see a hoard of people who are fan accounts for YouTubers. I was one, for a very long time, on both Instagram and Twitter and, although they are now gone, I still watch a large amount of YouTube and I do not care how much they earn because they entertain me.
Would someone question Jennifer Lawrence or Adele over how much they earn? What is the difference? They have jobs, they have released things and are successful. So why is Zoe Sugg's earnings 'sickening' and Ellen Degeneres's not?
Also, another article I saw was about the recent security issues that Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes have been having. Although I support the website this was on, I did not agree with what was written on it. It was titled 'So what have Zalfie learned from their recent security scandal?'. It was about what they have and haven't done about it and some of the things that they suggested and then questioned why the couple hadn't done, made me wonder.
For example, the first thing that they didn't do was move house. They said in the article that "it seemed like a logical decision". Really? Why should they have to move house? You and I wouldn't move house if people decided to start ringing on your doorbell and they were fans. You would wonder why they had the address and maybe got someone to sort it out, but why should they have to move house? It isn't their fault.
Obviously, there was always going to be speculation over her life, as she is constantly in the people's eye, but does it really need this much? What can someone do for a bit of privacy?
What are your thoughts?
Stay happy,
Katie xx
When I scroll down Facebook, there are my friends and then there are the people who I follow, like 'Look' magazine and '', so I can catch up on the latest gossip about celebrities and YouTube. However, after reading an article, my suggested reads came up with a news article that disgusted me.
It was about how much the well-known YouTuber Zoella earns. The title was as follows below.
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Would someone question Jennifer Lawrence or Adele over how much they earn? What is the difference? They have jobs, they have released things and are successful. So why is Zoe Sugg's earnings 'sickening' and Ellen Degeneres's not?
Also, another article I saw was about the recent security issues that Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes have been having. Although I support the website this was on, I did not agree with what was written on it. It was titled 'So what have Zalfie learned from their recent security scandal?'. It was about what they have and haven't done about it and some of the things that they suggested and then questioned why the couple hadn't done, made me wonder.
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Obviously, there was always going to be speculation over her life, as she is constantly in the people's eye, but does it really need this much? What can someone do for a bit of privacy?
What are your thoughts?
Stay happy,
Katie xx
My Top 5 Films (Spring Edition)
I don't think I have done one of these before, but I thought I would talk about my five favourite films. If I have done one of these before, I cannot find it and they have changed anyway, so it doesn't matter anyway! I hope these will give you some new films to try and make you rewatch old ones!
5. Skyfall and Spectre
I love James Bond. I think I have watched 90% of the James Bond films and although I am not yet at the bit where I know everything, I love them because I just enjoy the action in them. Skyfall was where I really started my love for James Bond and it holds a special place in my heart because of it. Spectre is currently sat next to me, waiting to be watched after I got it for my birthday and I must say it is a close contender to being better than Skyfall, but not quite. Also, I like the Bond song for Skyfall, as it is Adele.
4. Cinderella (Disney 1950)
Cinderella is one of those films that has always been in my life so I couldn't not include it. The story is so romantic and I have grown up with a dream of being Cinderella and I still have that dream, although it is less realistic than it was when I was 5.
3. Wild Child
This film cracks me up every time. It is such a light chic-flick and I love the story. It is definitely one to watch when you are ill because it will instantly cheer you up. My favourite line has to be "well, I went for my 11 o'clock Wagon Wheel!"
2. Harry Potter
Like Spectre, the box set is sat next to me, yearning to be played as soon as I have time. I cannot wait to watch them again because they are such a good set of films. I loved the books and when I watched them, they lived up to expectations. I cannot wait to buy the Cursed Child script which is out soon in WHSmiths and other stores.
1. Love, Rosie
I rewatched this last night and I stayed up until some unearthly hour to finish it because once you start it, you cannot stop. It is a sad, happy, funny film that makes me cry and laugh at the same time and I would recommend that everyone watches this because it is such a good film.
I am sorry I didn't upload the haul, but I have stuff coming in the post and I haven't had the time to put it all together, but it will be soon!
What are your favourite films?
Stay happy,
Katie xx
5. Skyfall and Spectre
I love James Bond. I think I have watched 90% of the James Bond films and although I am not yet at the bit where I know everything, I love them because I just enjoy the action in them. Skyfall was where I really started my love for James Bond and it holds a special place in my heart because of it. Spectre is currently sat next to me, waiting to be watched after I got it for my birthday and I must say it is a close contender to being better than Skyfall, but not quite. Also, I like the Bond song for Skyfall, as it is Adele.
4. Cinderella (Disney 1950)
Cinderella is one of those films that has always been in my life so I couldn't not include it. The story is so romantic and I have grown up with a dream of being Cinderella and I still have that dream, although it is less realistic than it was when I was 5.
3. Wild Child
This film cracks me up every time. It is such a light chic-flick and I love the story. It is definitely one to watch when you are ill because it will instantly cheer you up. My favourite line has to be "well, I went for my 11 o'clock Wagon Wheel!"
2. Harry Potter
Like Spectre, the box set is sat next to me, yearning to be played as soon as I have time. I cannot wait to watch them again because they are such a good set of films. I loved the books and when I watched them, they lived up to expectations. I cannot wait to buy the Cursed Child script which is out soon in WHSmiths and other stores.
I rewatched this last night and I stayed up until some unearthly hour to finish it because once you start it, you cannot stop. It is a sad, happy, funny film that makes me cry and laugh at the same time and I would recommend that everyone watches this because it is such a good film.
I am sorry I didn't upload the haul, but I have stuff coming in the post and I haven't had the time to put it all together, but it will be soon!
What are your favourite films?
Stay happy,
Katie xx
March Sum-Up
Firstly, I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I had planned to write when I went to Wales on holiday, but when we got there, there was no wifi, even though they had promised it. I don't really know how I survived a week, but I am back now, don't worry!
Also, I will be uploading a birthday and shopping haul on Wednesday, so I hope you enjoy and look forward to that!
Wow, March went so quickly! It was a tough and eventful month in good and bad ways but we did it! April is my birthday month which is exciting and I have a lot planned for this month!
Also, I will be uploading a birthday and shopping haul on Wednesday, so I hope you enjoy and look forward to that!
Wow, March went so quickly! It was a tough and eventful month in good and bad ways but we did it! April is my birthday month which is exciting and I have a lot planned for this month!
Favourite Songs?
This month, I have liked a lot of songs from different genres, but I will only say a few. Firstly, every Adele song ever released. I now have a playlist of every song and I listen to it on repeat. Secondly, Light It Up by Major Lazer, Nyla and Fuse ODG. It is such a good party song and I love dancing to it in my room!
Favourite People?
Adele is the most prominent one for this month. To me, she is the start of a new part of my life. She is my inspiration and I love her so much . She has done so much for so many people and I think she is amazing. Read more about my thoughts on her here.
Also, my school friends. They have been so supportive and I love them. I don't need to name, they know who they are.
Favourite Makeup?
I have loved using my Lash Sensational mascara recently, it just gives so much volume to my lashes and they look like false lashes which is amazing! Also, my beauty blender has been my lifesaver recently because I have been wearing more coverage lately and this has applied it so well. Finally, I bought the Soap and Glory Kiss-Ass concealer stick and I love it! It is so good for discolouration!
Favourite Drink?
Chai Lattes have been a new and exciting discovery for me. You should try it! Also, Lady Grey, as always!
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