Secondly, the story. A fantasy novel, mixed with romance and adventure! What more could you want. Reading this is the dark of the night is where it is best read, as the atmosphere is perfect. The blurb is:
The circus arrives without warning
No announcements precede it
It is simply there, when yesterday
it was not
This automatically drew me in. I was encapsulated by the mystery that surrounded both the front cover and the blurb. I just had to read it.
A summary of the story would be that there is a circus that arrives at night and opens at midnight. The acts are not like any other circus. You walk around the different tents, rather than sitting in the same tent for a long amount of time. Two magicians fall in love, Celia Bowen and Marco Alisdair. What they don't know is that they are rivals. One of them must die for the battle to stop between them.
However, you must be able to read a good portion at a time. You cannot only read a page a night. It is a very fast story line and it needs reading constantly, because if you put it down for a long time, you will not understand
Altogether, read this book. I highly recommend it.
Stay Happy,
Katie x
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