Life Update // College and Other Bits and Bobs

On Monday 12th September, I walked out of my house at 7.30, headphones in, music blaring and headed off down my road to the bus stop. This was my first day at college and I was feeling so many things. Scared for the new start, meeting people and finding my way around. Happy I was doing subjects I wanted to do and enjoyed. Sad I had left school and I knew there was no magical way to transport me back to year 7 so I could restart and improve.

But my main feeling was happiness. And that continued through the day and the next and the next. I feel like I have found my place where I can enjoy my life with my friends, studying the right subjects for me and meeting people who, I think, accept me for me. My tutor is fabulous and my classes, in general, are good and friendly at the moment!

Also, I got a job at the local gardens and I am so happy about that!

Sadly, I had to give my ukelele back to my old school, so that will definitely be going on my Christmas list because I miss it so much! However, it is in its rightful home now.

I just hope I can continue feeling this way, even though I am sad that I have had to leave a few friends, I still have many and the ones I left are still my friends, I just don't see them as much!

Stay happy,
Katie xx

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