
I started this blog because I thought that maybe it would be something I will enjoy. Many people nowadays start blogs to get noticed. I just want to make a blog to share my life with others. This blog will be based on what makes me happy and what I enjoy. Sometimes it will be things that I don't enjoy but I know are good e.g. revising and exercise (I am getting there with the latter one!)

The name of my blog (Katieswaytohappy) is a name that took a while to think of. But then I thought that this blog will be my way to being happy, so maybe by writing it, it will be someone else's way to happiness too. Many of my friends have blogs, but I am not copying them, because their blogs are unique to them, and I am unique so my blog will be different to anyone else's!

So enjoy this little hobby of mine and I will carry it on!

Stay happy,
Katie x

P.s. If you want to start a blog, do it! It is so much fun and if you enjoy it, share it for others to enjoy! I share it on my Instagram and Twitter. The links are in the 'About Me' bit (shameless self promo)!